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How To Choose the Right Kind of Therapy for You


No two therapeutic modalities are exactly alike. Where some therapies are client-focused and concentrate on traumatic events or exposure therapy for the traumatic experience, other therapeutic treatment plans are less client-driven and more by the book. If you’re someone who’s struggling with a mental illness and not sure what type of therapist to see to treat an anxiety disorder, PTSD, depression, or something different, read on to learn about the basics of therapy. In understanding the different types of psychotherapy interventions out there, you’ll be in the position of choosing a better therapist for you.

Learn about the basic types of therapy ahead of time.

One of the best things you can do for yourself when seeking help with your mental health is to understand the different ways clinicians work with clients to improve mental wellness. Where one psychiatrist or psychologist might focus on therapy for trauma in a luxurious retreat setting, another might suggest group therapy or structured behavioral therapy like CBT or DBT.

The truth is that because no two people experience mental health issues the same, therapists are trained to meet a client where they’re at and offer treatment plans that will best work for that client. With that said, that does not mean that every therapist practices every type of therapy there is. Like lawyers specialize in certain types of law, whether that be personal injury law or criminal defense, therapists have their preferences in what type of therapies they work with best.

When calling for a therapist, it’s important to understand the type of therapy your therapist practices and whether it will work for you. It’s okay to ask questions, too. Most therapists will welcome it.

Ask your doctor for their recommendation.

While it’s perfectly great to Google things like “anxiety therapist near me” or “depression counselor near me,” it might be a better idea to talk to your doctor about who they recommend in treating your mental health needs. If you have a good relationship with your doctor and think they might know the right fit for you, asking your health care provider what type of therapy might work best is a great way to get a better match for you. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor about who they think could treat your obsessive-compulsive disorder or addiction problem best. You might be surprised to learn just how well-networked they are with mental health contacts.

Talk to friends and family about their experiences.

It’s normal to be afraid to attend your first therapy session. It can feel even more overwhelming when you know nothing about the therapist you’ll be working with. For this reason, some people rely on friends and family to go with a therapist that works for them. A therapist cannot share your information with friends and family without your permission. Therefore, it’s okay to rely on word-of-mouth references to find the right match for you. In fact, in working with a therapist your friend recommends, you’ll have another thing in common. When in doubt, talk to friends and family about who they trust with their mental health.

While it might take some experimenting to find the right treatment process and therapeutic modality for you, the reality is that there’s a good fit for anyone open to getting help for their mental health issues. Calling a therapist today to ask about what kinds of talk therapy they offer is a great first step in feeling better. Not only will your mental wellness improve your mood, but it could mean great things for your physical health, too. Best of luck in the healing process to you. Know that you aren’t alone.

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